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feeling:: like it's a new year. and: warm.
reading:: Little Women
movie du jour:: The Leopard
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2006-01-04 | 4:18 p.m.
Homeowner 101, or: Why I rent.
There's a moment just before throwing The Switch that you realize that it could go one of two ways--either a giant explosion will occur, potentially covering you with second- and third-degree burns and no way to contact emergency services as your phone battery has just decided to die, OR the heat will come back on.

And that's the moment you hide behind the brick column and reach out, flip the switch with a little stick, and really hope for door number two.

As you might have guessed, I am not covered in burns, so all is well. However, this time yesterday all was NOT well. I stopped home before heading out and noticed that it seemed a bit chilly with my coat off. I checked the thermostat and I thought my vision was finally gone--it was 57 degrees, with the 'stat set at 68. The inevitable button-pushing occurred; why I think that hitting control buttons over and over will affect the final outcome is a serious design flaw that needs to be fixed. Regardless, I ran downstairs (after changing into layers suitable for the Ice Hotel) and tried to fathom the mysteries of my heater. Since I didn't find a big red button labelled "Fixes Everything", I did what any self-respecting single woman living alone does--I called my dad.

After following various conduits and wires around the heater and ductwork, we decided to flip a switch that *might* be connected to something useful, wait five minutes, and flip it back on. The problem with this strategy? It's a gas heater, with an electric ignition. So the five minutes could be spent just sitting there or filling the entire basement and house with gas that would ignite into a fireball from hell and make typing difficult for a long time.

Luckily for me, I have a heat dish with parabolic heat action that is the most fantastic thing to sit directly in front of while the rest of the place heated up.
Thanks, sis!

It's a new year. Resolution lists are so passe; I'm making a list of things I want to do before I'm 30.

Oddly enough, I turn thirty in October, giving me 10 months to wipe the list clean. We'll see how it goes.

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recent entries:
I ain't no skating queen - 2006-01-18
Tie-dye should only happen in college - 2006-01-09
Homeowner 101, or: Why I rent. - 2006-01-04
The Great Tree Debacle - 2005-12-06
China 2005-Part 5 of many - 2005-10-17