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2002-10-28 | 3:50 p.m.
See Me In Hell, you bastard.
T-minus 2.5 days. Do you have your costume?

It's amazing how quickly life can go from the heights of happiness to the depths of despair...and in fact, it did it in about .032 seconds on Saturday.

After a quiet week, the crazy weekend commenced with an emergency trip to Village Outlet to find the rest of my Halloween costume. Do you know how hard it is to find a blue non-HIDEOUS dress at Village Outlet? I mean, I wasn't looking for glamour-girl material here or anything, but good grief. Who ever purchased these to begin with? I weep for them... But the costume was finished, the horns were affixed to the headband (yes, devil in a blue dress, and yes, I was cute) and my cabbie got me to a party of ghoulish goodness and too many drunks. A best friend showed up in town and 24 hours of mischief and mayhem ensued, including a brunching where we watched the Battle of the (upset) Belly. (The food won and remained inside said belly) We visited the most amazing tiki lounge this side of Bali Hai'i. Who knew that the islands invented blender drinks? (Turn up the speakers if you visit)

However, all this apparent goodwill and karmic goodness evaporated as I began the second half of my weekend. Why? Well, simply put: don't be an ass and steal my stuff. It's damn rude and causes problems . It's cold out, I *have* to wear a coat out when I club, and there's nothing I can do about this. The coatcheck line was super-long (wrapped around 3 of the 4 walls on the first floor) and somebody mentioned lockers upstairs. Lockers?! Remember the grey and orange lockers at the roller rink that need quarters and then the huge orange key to pin to your belt loop? Lockers. You're paying money for security. Well, my innocent trust and belief in the system was SHATTERED after taking my tired, sweaty self to the locker and looking in coat. What?

Rational Margeaux May does this: Look in locker. Look in adjacent lockers. Look on top of lockers. Sigh unconsolably, give everyone in the vacinity the stinkeye, and admit defeat. (I still think it was that chicken-man)

Irrational, freakin'-out Margeaux May does this: Look in locker again. Close door, open it again and look inside. Sweep hand inside. Repeat. Try it with every other open locker. Repeat. Look on the top from 3 different vantage points. Repeat. Give everyone the stinkeye, mutter curses under breath, wonder if 'eye for an eye' extends to jackets because there's another jacket that's close enough... and then clump downstairs and glare at the coat check line that doesn't seem to have moved in 3 hours.

What really happens? Alternate rational and irrational MM events and you'll get my 8 minutes of craziness. Of course, I got into a cab and just silently dared the cabbie to do anything to validate my desire to not pay him a penny. Too bad he was nice.

The lesson learned: while coatcheck a pain to wait for, it's worth every hour in line. I used to only check the pimpcoat (no question there), but now...gah. Those snooty coatcheckers are going to win. But if you see a nice black leather jacket wandering forlornly down Dearborn looking lost, send it my way. I miss it.

A message to the person who has my nice new jacket: SMIH, you bastard. I hope you get something itchy and terrible which makes you think leprosy is comfortable.

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