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2002-10-29 | 10:45 a.m.
hey, an extra hour! it's still like sleeping in!
There seem to be two or three ways to greet the morning (or whenever it is that you get to wake up):

1. Alarm signifies it's time to wake up, bleariliy stumble around to get ready for work, and haul yourself to work where you attempt to finish waking up with a danish and 128 oz of coffee mainlined into your system;

2. Sleep until you feel like waking up, lounge in bed for another 45 minutes, and then think about actually removing yourself from the bed to start your day;

3. Something is very wrong and shock wakes you up fully in .3 seconds as you realize that the reason you feel so good is that you mistook way #2 for way #1 and now you're supposed to be in that morning meeting in exactly 200 seconds...

Or something close to it.

OR, you can be me and have the 'what the hell' morning.

I fell asleep holding on to the dream of the extra (yet elusive) hour of sleep that Daylight Savings Time gave me, and knew it would make me a happier person. I slowly woke up (hey, an extra hour! it's still like sleeping in!) and had the following thoughts in rather rapid succession:

Someone's talking to me? Nah...A smooth deep voice is talking around me and when did I wake up to a man's voice when I'm most certainly sure I didn't fall asleep with a guy anywhere near me (and Doofus is at Ms Doofus's) and I think I'd remember something that very seldom happens and just what the hell is going on and who is this man who sounds familiar and wait just a minute...that's Mr. NPR!

Before you berate me for my own idiocy, let me just say in my own defense, I very seldom use the radio to wake up. Instead, I prefer the Def-con 4 alarm clock that is right next to my head, allowing me to begin every morning with a heart attack. I thought I'd try something 'nicer'.

It *was* nice, just confusing.

Now, if I could just find a local Mr NPR for the daily job with the added benefit of him poking my shoulder until I actually get out of bed, effectively making the morning less like this.

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