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2002-11-05 | 6:08 p.m.
my scarf. was. gone.
I admit that I have a history of "losing" things (or "misplacing things and having a faulty memory", as I like to see it) and today was no exception. Yes, I have 8 pairs of sunglasses, 4 hats, 4 pairs of gloves, and 3 scarves. Why do you ask?

This is a public apology to my dearest darling sister who, in a great display of caving to pressure, knit me a most gorgeous scarf that I love beyond all reason.

A scarf that I'm both proud of and take great pains to wear all the time, since it's very pretty, the perfect length, and warm when I need it to be.

A scarf that was *not* around my neck when I returned from lunch today at Field's with a friend who regaled me with stories regarding HIS faulty memory and his keys and plane tickets. I took off my coat and realized that my scarf. was. gone.

Gone. Missing. Not on my person. Perhaps even (gasp) taken by someone else and now they're wearing MY SCARF. I immediately turned around and mentally retraced my steps as I fought lunch traffic (and that rain/drizzle we're famous for) to hustle back to Field's. Each department saw a frazzled patron wildly look around and disappear. Men's cufflinks? Nothing. Escalator? Nada. Starbucks kiosk? No good...but there was a gorgeous mink scarf that someone abandoned by the condiment station and I hope they get it back. The seating area full of starving children and ravenous, table-hungry adults?

Hooray! On the chair I had been sitting in a mere 15 minutes ago, with people on every side and in every seat BUT that one. No one even blinked when I swooped in, grabbed it and walked off.

I love people today. Every once in a while these pockets of human kindness and goodness peek thru and I have to grudgingly admit that I don't hate *all* people.

I'm quite happy now, especially since I don't have to email my sister and wheedle, beg, and generally sound like a whinging loser because I lost my scarf and really want another one. But I wouldn't say no to another...

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