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2002-11-19 | 3:30 p.m.
composing hideous snow-themed poetry (ok, more like haiku)
This is what happens when you have nothing interesting to find other people saying utterly fascinating things and steal them.

In no particular order, visit these sites for the entertainment that I seem unable to provide today:

~~Tomato Nation~~where Sars tells you how it is, how it should be, and just what happens when good shoes go bad. Her latest piece is classic, but hunt around in the archives for the really good stuff

~~ Television Without Pity~~Spare the Snark, Spoil the Networks. Visit my second home, the support group for 'Guilty-Pleasure Viewing', where shows you don't always admit to watching are picked apart in detail with a healthy sarcastic twist. Got a show you don't admit to watching and can't bear to ask somebody to tape for you? They watched it, and will tell you what you missed.

~~the redhead papers~~Regina Rouge shares about how good life can be, even when you're a chain-smokin' X-Box addict.

~~IMDb~~the Bible of the film industry. It allows you to play "who's that guy" and "seven degrees..." for hours. Remember the days of movie reviews? This was my #1 source.

~~Etiquette Grrls~~all your burning etiquette questions answered by the darlings of the Twinset-and-Docs set. You might enjoy the SUIH section best. I do.

~~Conde Nast Traveler~~ahhhh...sweet islands, take me away. Looking for a reason to change your desktop? Here it is.

See, I can't find anything of interest to tell lately. I could tell you about my weekend where I rearranged my entire common living space (Yes, Doofus, *another* couch. I told you it was coming.) to my supreme satisfaction, and then waiting for the Red Line at Lawrence at 2a, full of good food and jazz, watching the snow fall and swirl and eddy while putting up my 'don't talk to me' vibe so the crazy man sharing the heater lights with me wouldn't even think about making chit-chat, while composing hideous snow-themed poetry (ok, more like haiku) that seemed quite beautiful at the time but in retrospect was more like something a 4th grader would do when first given the haiku structure of 5-7-5, but that's pretty lame.

Especially since I can't remember any of my lame-ass haiku, nor would I share it with you if I could.

I still have some pride.

Or I could tell you about my adventures of working a 12 hour day instead of the 7 I normally work because I'm lazy and decided that I'd rather email all day and surf than actually do official work regarding the budget and the buildout and all those things that actually have a deadline that I'm fiercely ignoring.

::la la la, I can't hear you::

On the other hand, I could use a smidge of advice if you're in the sharing mood. I have been invited to crash my old job's Holiday shindig. Since I left on good terms, people think it'd be fun for me to show up and hang out (I was there through August). It's tempting, since I haven't seen these people in a while and I do miss them on the whole. However, it's a party that's employee-only (no spouses, dates, nadie) and I'm not sure if I should *really* do this. Thoughts? It's not like they can fire me...

GOOD GRIEF. How could I forget? Get thee to Harry Potter: Chamber of Secrets RIGHT AWAY. Shoo!

Why are you still here? Go see it! It's great!

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