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2002-11-21 | 7:58 a.m.
I'm inspired to glower at people who can't spell
Could someone please explain to me what has happened to people's typing abilities? Or their ability to spell? Or self-edit? Or, I don't know, use complete words and thoughts with people YOU DON'T KNOW???

What set me off (on IM the other morning):

menmymig: allo really sorry to barge in like this...

menmymig: i'm krish from alice's cousin

me: um, ok.

menmymig: wuz wonderin if u cud please pass on a message fer me??

me: sure.

menmymig: tynks..

menmymig: can u please sak her to mail me uncle bob's home address??

menmymig: illbe emailin her too

me: sure. I'll pass it along to her today.

menmymig: thanks a ton...n once again ..sorry fer da rude interruption

menmymig: have a nice dat!!

me: no prob. You too.


menmymig: what da hell...a nice date too!!!



1. They're apostrophes. Use 'em. (see? I did. Twice.)

2. 'wuz' is short for Fuzzy Wuzzy. cud is what cows chew for hours. fer...there's really nothing for that.

3. tynks? what the hell is that? and this creepy .. thing is getting to me the more I look at it. Try 1 or 3. 2 is not an option.

4. sak? is this some weird terminology/slang thing I'm too old to know? in the previous context, nothing can be ruled out...

5. illbe. again, what the hell?

6. now this indian guy is working on his Northern-states accent with his 'fer da'.

7. dat? day? date? who IS this guy?

I thank God every morning that my friends can both type and spell. And properly use emoticons, which is key. Hell, one sent me an entire range of emotions, in order, from crying to throwing up to sleeping-- it was damn impressive. She was inspired.

Me? I'm inspired to glower at people who can't spell.

::glowering fiercely::

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