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2003-01-15 | 11:51 a.m.
I have found my definition of hell
I have found my definition of hell. It's not Kenny G on repeat as my life's soundtrack for the rest of time, it's not having to watch golf with French commentary for 96 hours straight, it's not being on the bus with Luca for 14 days thru the European countryside (one of Dante's rings)--no, it's having to let somebody 'help' decorate/arrange my living space when they themselves bring nothing but a Karaoke machine and keyboard to the relationship.

I was trying to throw the devil-recliner away, not relocate it to the dining room. A place in which, if I'm not mistaken, one dines, not reclines next to a naked bulb. Yes, I'm a bit Type-A here, but this is my home. For all intensive purposes, outside of rent and utilities, I live alone with randomly-appearing but familiar visitors. So I find it a tinge difficult to smile graciously as they keep things from leaving as I want them to do! The recliner is eeeevil. Evil, I tell you. It beckons me to sit down, settle in, and sluggishly watch five hours of tv while wrapped in my blankie.

::Shut up. It's my bankie. Move on::

But it's also the perpetrator of such vicious back pain that tears spring to my eyes just remembering it. So, adios hellbeast!

Right. That's what I planned on, and the gods don't seem to agree with my decorating scheme...and neither did my roomie. I guess I can slide Mr. Barca up alongside the table and eat while pretending to be an indolent patrician.


What's the limit before somebody (ahem, landlord) has to patch and repaint the pockmarked walls because they're smoke- and soot-stained? It's the classic paradox: I'll stay longer if my walls are fresh and repainted, but I'll only repaint if I'm staying for a while. (We can paint at will.) No, Wayne hasn't been asked if he'll do it; I'm still collecting myself enough to ask him (nicely) to sand the mold off my bathroom ceiling, and while he's at it, he should repaint everything. Perhaps he'll use a more appropriate paint this time.


Have you been watching Joe Millionaire? There are few things funnier than watching girly-girls go on a 'date' and find themselves mucking out stalls and slinging coal. Priceless.

I love FOX. American Idol next week! Tune in for the tuneless wonders...and tonight: Man v. Beast, which has a sickly hysterical premise: pit man against beast, and see which wins. I'm looking forward to the 'elephant v. little people' episode most.

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