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2003-01-29 | 3:59 p.m.
Of course they're searching for the truth! Who isn't?
What has happened to TV? Specifically, what's happened to ABC?! I taped the new Veritas: The Quest, and what a waste of tape and time, which meant I watched the whole thing in pain.

Quick plot summary: it's the third Indiana Jones movie but they never got past the opening sequence, and Sean Connery is no longer sexy, River Phoenix still needs a haircut and a severe beating, and they now have the Internet, GPS, and a staff to help 'em out. Oh, of course they're searching for the truth! Who isn't? (The whole thing about the wife/mom who died uncovering 'the truth' and now they're trying to follow her journals/clues...that's coincidental)

Leave the action to Alias, the thinking to The Pretender (or, hell, The Scoobies), and the abnormal adventuring to Stargate SG-1. They all do it better, and don't take themselves as seriously. You're just filler until Joe Millionaire at 8p, and you know it.


Yes, I know that's Imhotep as the right-hand man. That's not gonna save the show. Neither is Milo, who's played a computer geek on every show on primetime. We know you were replaced on 24. Get over it.


Other news: the world is swathed in soft, pillowy cotton. I'm not talking about the snow. I'm talking about my lack of stereo sound. My audio input is limited to mono at the moment, meaning the entire world approaches from the left; and the tv requires me to sit cock-eared like a questioning dog to catch it all. RCN is a bitch--no closed captioning for me.

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