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feeling:: Poor
reading:: Cover Her Face
movie du jour:: (not) Spellbound
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2003-06-06 | 8:24 a.m.
How else could I spend the money I just saved?
All of a sudden, I'm hauling home 1534247 paint samples, 300 candles, a heavy platter, and 6 bottles of wine last night. I don't know what happened...I just wanted to see a movie (Spellbound) and was killing time at Home Depot where I considered the myriad paint choices for my living room. And, as a commitment-phobe, I can't decide on a color. Or an accent color. Or, y'know, a color SCHEME. So I have every color known to man sitting in my living room at this moment, spread out in their full-color glory, all screaming "pick me! pick me! pick meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" as I walk out the door, defeated.

I'm sure I'll end up with one of the 4 billion shades of white that are offered. How is it that white, trusty *white*, has turned against me? And we won't go into paint types; matte, satin, semi-gloss, gloss... It's too much!

So then I found out that the movie started 20 minutes earlier than I thought, so I *had* to go to Pier 1 and Cost Plus. How else could I spend the money I just saved? I love wandering around Cost Plus, because they've got fun wines to try for cheap. It's like dim sum...I'll try one of those, and one of those, and if I like it I'll buy another one.

Of course, they're mother-heavy and I thought my arm'd fall off after hauling home all the wine and sundry I purchased. Oh well. It's like going to the gym, but with a better payout at the end.


It seems it's the month o' birthdays. To my West-Coast posse:

Happy Birthday, Jaime!


Happy Birthday, Kristin!

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