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2003-06-16 | 12:17 p.m.
But obviously, it's not retarding the seperation of asses and their butts.
I had a perfectly wonderful weekend, marred by the unfortunate introduction of cigarette butts into my kindly neighbor's yard. Which just happens to be on the *other* side of the 6' fence.

Who comes to a party and throws their butts over the fence? It's six. feet. high. It's not just some hint of a seperation. There is *our* yard and *their* yard and there's a nice fence that keeps their bushes out of our petunias. But obviously, it's not retarding the seperation of asses and their butts. Asses. How are these people hiding their massive, sloping brows? Because I'm an elitist. And I don't like that crap at my party.

(Ok, technically, not *my* party this time. But close enough.)

I'm furious. I thought we were past that age, past the collegiate 'it's all crap, it's a rental, I'll be gone in 9 months and screw the landlord' attitude. Because now? You're playing with the big kids. The kids who actually own the property and enjoy their property and put time and effort into their protected space. The noise alone could have pissed the neighbors off, but the butts...that's just a last straw. And they handled it with more grace and aplomb than I would have. All they said, basically, was 'hey, fyi--had some cigarette butts in the yard this morning. Thought you should know.'

::this is me, dying of embarrassment and shame::

::this is me, ready to kick some serious ass::

Asses. All of them.

They're banned for life.


I am horrible at crossword puzzles. That's just not how my brain works. But lately, I've been doing the NYT puzzles on Monday and Tuesday, and today--I finished my puzzle in less than 5 hours! (Hey, I work on it during work hours and sometimes I get distracted.) The past few have taken days. Days. I'm rather embarrassed by it. But today...

I'm so proud of me!

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