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2003-06-19 | 3:58 p.m.
Welcome Home, Momma and Dad!
I'm ashamed to admit I have a new obsession this summer...Boarding House: North Shore every Wednesday at 7. It's The Real World for extreme sports enthusiasts, and I'm enthusiastic about extreme sports. Of course, since my most 'extreme' sport consists of me running to refill my ice cream during commercials while avoiding the obstacles in the dining room~~well, a girl can dream herself onto Hawai'i.

Seriously? Check it out. If nothing else, it's a nice reminder that some people get to live in summer, year-round. (Hell, I watched it while wrapped up in my bankie while a storm raged outside and rained out my make-up rained-out softball game.) My favorite? Torn between the bad-boy Sammy and silly VK. You *know* VK is on the show because she's a model.

I followed such drell up with an American Masters Clint Eastwood documentary/special, and let me tell you--I love Clint. I've been in love with him since I first saw A Fist Full of Dollars (or was it The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly?) in my childhood, and have been continuously amazed by his work since then. Truly an amazing show... catch the repeat on PBS this Saturday at 11p. Or 1a?

And duuuuuuuuude. He was a *total hottie* in his 20s. I'm not kidding.

::fans self::


If you're in Chicago tomorrow (Friday), check out the Miles of Music along Michigan Ave. Trust me. Anytime after 11a, wander along the street. There's crazy-fun going on. And it's all for FREE. Thanks, papa Daley.


Welcome home, Momma and Dad! Hope that Cali was better than imagined. See you soon.

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