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2003-07-22 | 8:00 a.m.
I love, love, love croquet!
I had a damn fine weekend, and I'm not afraid to announce it. 'Why?', you ask. 'How did this happen?' you wonder? It's simple, really.


I love, love, love croquet, and I made new friends with croquet-set owners on Sunday. Of course, they're lightyears ahead of me in skill and speed, but wickets! And mallets! And wacking a ball around an unmowed yard with a puppy romping around and trying to get the ball but she's so small that she can't even open her mouth that wide yet! And a never-ending parade of food off the grill! And it's *summer*. Finally. I really, really want a back yard right now, with trees and plants and flowers and general foliage.

I wouldn't even complain about all the bugs.

Too much.


The previous evening I went to another bbq, and while it was tasty and fun and full of blenderiffic drinks, there was the entire 'ham shot' incident that should never be repeated. Ham should never, ever, ever be put into a blender.



Last but not least: Miss Crafty Girl, who's my new crafty-friend, is looking for this link: Not Martha. Enjoy, doll. And thanks for Sunday. That was way fun.


Watch here Thursday: I'm seeing the new Lara Croft movie tomorrow and am quite sure I'll have an opinion on such a wonderful film.
ETA: Medical advancesscare the hell outta me.

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