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movie du jour:: Chicago
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2003-09-16 | 10:27 a.m.
I love this weather.
So, I've got absolutely no new adventures to regale you with, no crazy situations that will have you giggling madly while you shake your head in bemusement, no capers that will make you glad that you're not only married but live far, far from the maddening crowds of city life.

My news, if you will: fell asleep watching American Choppers last night. At 9:20. But I stayed awake for Monster Garage, so I consider it a victory over somnolence.

What? You thought I'd be watching Paradise Hotel? Oh, puhLEEZ.

I can also tell you that I LOVE this weather. Love it. It's crispy-crunchy sunny out, with clouds everywhere and the bite of fall is hinted at when I walk to my morning train, but summer is holding on with fading sunlight peeking thru the cold front moving in.

I love this weather!
Autumnal Equinox, here we come!


For you in Chicago, check out The Wild Onion Friday and Saturday. It's an urban adventure race, a la the Eco-Challenge (you've seen 'em on tv in exotic locations like Borneo) where 4-people teams (from around the world, not just here) push their bodies past expectation for 24 hours running, kyaking, canoeing, running, orienteering, running, biking, running... to cross the finish line at Navy Pier and the winner gets national exposure as well as the knowlege that they kicked butt at one of the top 6 adventure races in the world. If you don't want to commit to something that big, come cheer my friend as he competes in The Wild Scallion, a baby-Onion. This is the friend who just did the triathlon, so he's ready for this!

And if you're *really* a good person, sign up to volunteer at it. It's really really fun. And I'll be there. What more could you want?

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