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2003-11-02 | 11:57 p.m.
CHF, Round 2. Children 2, MM 0
CHF, round 2: The Art Institute has the friendliest staff EVER. They were incredibly helpful and kind and considerate, which is more than I can say for other venues I've worked in the past. Fewer snags and snafus than yesterday--of course, having 6 billion CHF staff milling about helped immeasurably as well! There were a bunch of events all around noon at the AIC, which got a little hairy but we made it thru unscathed. There was a moment of panic when my ticketer didn't show up, but she was just 45 minutes late so she showed up just in time...or at least enough to get her ticketing issues resolved. Me? I ran up and down stairs like I was training for the Hustle Up The Hancock. All in all, a good day.

Well, mostly-good. I woke up too early, had a headache, didn't eat until 4p, and sniffed acrylic aerosol at Kraftie Klub. However, the good outweighs the bad and now I'm to bed. Nyquil is my bestest friend right now.

**I wouldn't linked to the CHF, AIC, Nyquil, our craft project du jour...but I'm too tired to cut and paste**

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