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2003-11-19 | 4:17 p.m.
You might think I'm making all this up.
You know, November is just not. my. month.

Sickness. Travel. More sickness. Black eye. Virus. Deep chest cough. It just doesn't end.

I'd tell you all about it (and I owe you a week's worth of entries) but you might think I'm making it all up because it never happens all to just one person.

Believe me. I've got pictures of my eye. It happened.

Off to a free movie preview. Cross your fingers: new review tomorrow, and I'll begin the Great Tale of Why MM looks like a Battered Woman, and other tragicomedic stories.


PS. Eggnog Lattes have arrived! Woo!

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I ain't no skating queen - 2006-01-18
Tie-dye should only happen in college - 2006-01-09
Homeowner 101, or: Why I rent. - 2006-01-04
The Great Tree Debacle - 2005-12-06
China 2005-Part 5 of many - 2005-10-17