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2003-11-20 | 5:17 p.m.
He *implores*. Who the hell does that these days?
Aww, man. Nothing like stupidity to bodycheck you back into grungy, grimy reality.

We're currently accepting resumes here for the new class, and we get some quality resumes and cover letters. I don't know who these people are, but they need to edit, edit, edit before hitting send. If you're going to impress your potential employers, an ee cummings approach isn't going to cut it. Needless to say, we email these amongst ourselves in the office with little comments and general snarkiness.

(You know what's coming.)

I just hit reply instead of forward.

That 'send' button doesn't have a 'I take it back!' button next to it, sadly, so an apologetic email was dispatched straightaway. Unfortunately, it doesn't hide the fact that I just mocked the guy back *to his face*. Luckily, it wasn't that bad, and he really didn't edit his cover letter that well so I doubt we'll be extending an invite, but still... all that bitching about editing a letter was going to bite me in the ass.

I don't know what I did in past months (years?), but karma is definately making me pay. First the neverending sickness, then the black eye, then the empty bank account, and now this...

I can't help it. He used the phrase "I implore you to review my resume". He *implores*. Who the hell does that these days? I really shouldn't review resumes after 3p. I'm not at my best. (Professionally. Snarkily? I'm hitting my stride at 3.)


Needless to say, I'm skipping out of here without a review of a kick-ass movie or justifying my promise of an explanation as to the black eye. (Actually, it's much more green than black at this point) I'm not feeling chipper, and would rather rant and rave at my stove than submit you to such abuse.

Actually, last time I checked that's the stuff you love to read, so I don't know why I'm holding back. Maybe this is part of the whole karma thing...

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