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2004-04-13 | 11:15 a.m.
Are they gone yet?
Are they gone yet?

I survived yesterday's home opener for the Cubbies by scurrying past the live broadcast at the el stop, avoiding the game on all the TVs at work, and then coming home from work after the game was most definately over.
Avoidance--it's what the cool kids are doing.

Don't get me wrong, I love where I live and understand that residing 2 blocks from Wrigley requires some tolerances,'s such a big year, and it's going to be ridiculous in the 'hood for the next 6 months solid. I love the fact that hundreds of people swarm to Wrigley almost every day, that the middle of summer is replete with jovial people enjoying the weather, that I'm surrounded by humanity. I just hate the part where they're rabid fans who believe that the only good non-Cubs fan is a dead one. I tiptoe very carefully around certain bars after the games, I assure you. Since I'm neither drunk nor wearing Cubbie blue, I must be THE ENEMY.

Ah, Spring. The beginning of the longest season ever. This year will be full of insanity, I tell you.

On the flip side, if you want to come hear the game and watch it on TV, I've got an awesome setup. You open the windows and hear the game drift across the houses and have a weird delay--sometimes you'll hear it live before it's on TV, which always screws up the 7th inning stretch.

But enough about baseball. How was your Easter? Mine rocked since I was home with the fam. Watched a bunch of movies (Life With Father, Music Man, Matrix 2 & 3) and finally was able to judge the Matrix franchise objectively. I didn't have any amazing insights or crazy jolts of brilliance, but I agree with a lot of what has been said (I try not to listen/read to other critics) and feel better about having made up my own mind. Long and short of it: it's a live-action comic book, and that's why the dialogue is bad and the philosophy is murky. The W Bros were going for the big picture, and it's big and bad and all kinds of good. However, we couldn't find the easter eggs in the dvd so that's my next project. (Shut up. You know you did it for X-Men as well) Sunday dinner included only 17 of us, with conversation and debate flowing fast and furious. We have about 5 convos going on at once, which explains how all of a sudden we had Condoleeza Rice murdering her stillborn baby and NOW refusing to defend her.
That one took some untangling.


I'm currently reading a book Rising Up From the Plains which is really tempting me to take a roadtrip this spring/summer to the Great Plains. I want to go to Laramie and Chyenne to see these rock formations, to see the strata and the planet's history in giant road cuts. It's a book that's hard-going at times when it delves into geology, but overall it's fascinating. I really want to see some pictures of these layers so I know what to look for/at when I get there. The other thing I'm enjoying is the story of ranching in the early 1900s. It doesn't seem that long ago, and yet it was a wild, untamed place where Butch Cassidy roamed and you could tell the temperature by how much frost creeped into the house.
This is in direct counterpoint to the other book I'm reading--Harry Potter #3. Since the movie arrives this summer, I thought I'd reacquaint myself with the nuances so I'll be ready!

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