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2004-04-16 | 2:08 p.m.
But Gwyneth as a almost-crazy socially-stunted curmudgeon?
Well, it's been Arts & Crafts week 'round here, and I think I'm as Artsy as I need to be for another 5 days or so. I started off by attempting to hang art that my friend H made when she was in town 2 weeks ago. It's all in the *attempt* since it fell off the wall a few times before finally caving in to my demands of 'stay up there, damn you'. Nothing like arguing with inanimate objects for an insight to your psyche. Tuesday I visited the Art Insitute to visit the Helen Birch Barrett room, and then I went to the Symphony with two friends of mine. I didn't realize they'd never been to the CSO, so their introduction was from the nosebleed seats and with an untraditional program: the wonderful PDQ Bach. Poor M found out she has an issue with heights, adding a dash of spice to the event. I cannot convey to you how much I adore, love, and want to stalk Peter Schickele. He's brilliant. He's witty, charming, and has turned classical music sideways and makes the aloof audience giggle like children. I adore him, and encourage everyone to take a listen.

Wednesday was book group, where we tackled The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Highly recommend it. I was fascinated by the peek into an austistic's mind, someone who can't necessarily explain why they are the way they are, but who needs the understanding by others. Very thought-provoking, especially with the increase in children with ADHD and autism. Our next book is a bit of a monster: David Liss' Conspiracy of Paper. Luckily, there's still time to wedge in a revisiting of the Iliad before Petersen's Troy comes out next month. As stated before: I cannot frickin' WAIT.

Last night I was at the Goodman for Proof in the Owen. I bought myself a subscription so I wouldn't lazy-out of theater, and I'm glad I went. However, I know that they're making a movie out of it starring Anthony Hopkins and Gwyneth Paltrow, so I spent most of the time fitting them into the roles instead of the exisiting actors. I'm not a theater person; I admit that I'm more into dance and film. However, I don't think that it doesn't mean I can't critique/comment on a performance, so this is what I thought of the show: uneven pacing and over-projected acting. Basically, I thought that the actors were projecting like they were on an outdoor stage next to a rock-concert, and that the emotions were like hiccups. Blah blah blah (hic) Anger! Blah blah blah (hic) Crazy-madness! Blah blah blah (hic) Awkward interpersonal relations! But the daddy-daughter interaction seemed true, and since that *is* the basis of the story, that's good. I think.

Anthony Hopkins is gonna kick ass with this role. Of course, it could be because he's gnawing the material so he can bludgeon others to death with it, but he'll do it well. (Sorta like Titus.) But Gwyneth as a almost-crazy socially-stunted curmudgeon? (Yes, redundant but I'm making a point here) Um, did she not see how well Sylvia was received because she couldn't get emotionally gritty?
Yeah. That's what I'm afraid of.

Tonight, I'm off the the Gapers Block Party where I'll be regaled with stories from favorite Chicago bloggers and indie zinesters. But before I do that, I'm firing up the grill and declaring it Grilling Season 2004! Woo to the Hoo. Enjoy this gorgeous weather; it ain't gonna last.

What? It's Chicago. It's how it is.

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