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2004-05-27 | 9:39 a.m.
Peer pressure--it's how things get done.
I've decided I need an incentive plan to get off my BBB and make it smaller (or at least shapelier). I'm going to tell *everybody* so then I'm accountable, otherwise I won't stick to it and will cave. Peer pressure--it's how things get done.

I have to ride my bike every every day in the month of June (unless there are no bikes in my locale when I travel, and then I have to (gasp) jog)) and July, and then I can buy myself a new iPod*.

If I die from heart failure, this will be why--not from the adrenaline surge of snatching that last pair of cute sale sandals from that unworthy woman's grasp, not from the oppresive doubleheaders in thick July afternoon heat, not from the shock of being actively appreciated at work by my, it's going to be attempting to acheive an easier way to carry my music.

Which, if you think about it, is how all great innovative leaps are made. (walkman, discman, xm radio...)

I have 4 days of sloth left!


*Technically, I'll buy it in July but will continue thru the end of the month. I'm not *that* strong.


I was supposed to see a preview of Saved! but instead played the doubleheader last night. There was fresh-cut grass in the air, the sun was warm and the game was fast...except the part where their third inning went about 9 runs too long and we never caught up. By the second game we'd worked out our issues and became a well-oiled machine. Heck, I even caught a fly and didn't embarrass myself at bat! It was a good night. I love softball~don't you?

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