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movie du jour:: Mary Poppins
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2004-06-23 | 3:29 p.m.
Not that the liviing room is filled with pudding.
Last night the American Film Institute had a 3 hour tour of the 100 Top Movie Songs of all Time. J called me when it was around 40 and we watched the rest, with commentary ranging from abject horror to sappy love. It was pretty interesting to go online today and see the 400 songs originally on the ballot. I love Judy Garland as much as the next queen, but puhleez. Does she need 2 songs in the top 11? Other multiple mentions were Babs (sigh) and Julie Andrews (of course). But some of the choices were just mind-numbing... Unchained Melody?Goldfinger? Come What May? Hakuna Matata??!?

Kill me now.

And to sate your curiosity, yes "Over The Rainbow" was top song.


Skirt is *still* not done. It's sitting in a heap on the table, which is a Bad Thing because it's cut on the bias and it's oozing larger as it sits there. Must. Finish. Skirt.


This is the second movie preview I think I'm blowing off tonight. Last week, I had passes to Salem's Lot, a movie on cable the following week. And tonight, I have passes for Everyday People, on HBO soon. Um, what's the deal? They're movies on cable? Why would we want to see them ahead of time? People aren't going order HBO or TNT just because of these movies. I don't get it, *and* I can watch them in the comfort of my own pillow-strewn and pudding-filled living room.

Not that the living room is filled with pudding. But it could be if I got it out of the fridge and ate it in the living room...which I couldn't do in a real movie theater.

So in honor of the AFI, I'm going to try and rent Mary Poppins and sing along with Dick's horrendous Cockney accent and relive my youth while eating some double-chocolate fudge pudding.

After softball, of course.

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