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2004-07-15 | 2:34 p.m.
I hate becoming a responsible adult, because the needs of the many most certainly sometimes outweigh the needs of the one.
Isn't it funny, the things that cause us internal consternation? Right now, I'm weighing the purchase of a $50 ice cream maker against supporting Heifer International, one of the most important non-profits I feel I can support. And it really comes down to order of importance, doesn't it? Me versus others, my wants versus other's needs, ice cream versus potable water. And lately, it's these kind of decisions that have me dithering in a soul-numbing sort of way. Do I write a letter or watch a movie? Do I call a friendly acquaintance or just send an email? Do I donate more locally or internationally? Do I write that letter to my senator or just relapse into political apathy? Do I finish that skirt or write a letter? Do I support organic farming, which will lead me to being full of good food but broke, or buy regular food because other things are more finanically important to me and food's food? Do I buy a new couch because I want it, even though I should hold off until the situation changes? Do I buy the new coffee table that I love-love-love or wait because I don't *need* it but really like it, and besides I'm going to Montreal in a few weekends? Do I curtail my spending and travelling to start investing more intensely? Do I invest in real estate and rent it out or invest only in what I live in? Do I get a financial advisor or do it all myself? Do I actively look into my latest future-job idea or accept it as a whim and put my energies into something much more productive? (And just what *would* that be, anyway? I don't seem to be figuring it out on my own...)

As you can see, they're just normal, run-of-the-mill decisions facing anyone who doesn't have a dependent. However, I'm beginning to get mired down in the bog, and it's neither pleasant nor where I want to be.

I feel that we all have a responsibility to help those less-fortunate than us, and I really do believe that what we give comes back to us in another way. I'd love to give tons of money to Heifer, because I see what they do and it gives me hope. They give people sustanance and dignity and a future. They give people the means to support themselves and make them independent of governmental handouts. It's my earth, my future, too.

But damn, I love sorbet and gelato. And I really want a maker.

I hate becoming a responsible adult, because the needs of the many most certainly sometimes outweigh the needs of the one.

I'll be the one drooling at Linens 'n Things later this afternoon, and then going home empty-handed. If you see me wandering up Halsted, you could buy me some ice's a nice treat on a great day.


It occurs to me that reading IofM is *not* what I should be doing right now--it's all about people moving to the US in the 70s from India and the disparity of lifestyle and income. *sigh*

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