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movie du jour:: Strictly Ballroom
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2004-10-05 | 3:13 p.m.
Is it tacky to wish yourself Happy Birthday?
I lovelovelove birthdays, and mine is no exception. I adore birthdays because it means that friends and family come together and celebrate. Personally, I don't see why there needs to be a *reason* to get together, but since most people need something to rally around, I'm willing to offer up my natal day.

And so I did, and so it happened; much merriment occured last night at Guthrie's, home of board games and loud shenanigans. I decided to not make a big deal about this year, so I invited all and sundry (no, not sundry) to stop by and embrace their inner kid. J headed over there with me, and she and I started with Sorry. How great is that game? Like all juvenile things, it gets better with age. It's cutthroat! And eeevil! It's awesome. Other people started trickling in and people all had a variety of games going on. We all played Taboo, which just got more crazy and out of control as it went on. We learned all about each other with pointed and personal hints, and I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe.
That's really what birthdays are all about, in my book. Laughter, long, loud and bright. I even got a few presents! A new translation of Gilgamesh from an Oriental Institute docent, LoTR:FoTR with all sorts of extras, and my movie buddy MP brought me Ebert's I Hated, Hated, Hated this Movie, which from the title alone lets you know what's coming.

(That's the word of the week, apparently.)

I headed home happy and full of happiness at 11ish, and found out that TCM was showing That's Entertainment II. Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire, dancing around at...70? probably, singing and proving that they never lost it. I love those guys...

It was a good ending to a day that began** with me opening all my cards I had saved over the weekend (oh, such restraint) and then flowers were delivered to my office. My poppa is the bestest, and says the kindest things on the attached card. Add two, TWO donuts, a free lunch, and various people calling to sing me Happy Birthday~~that's how I spent my big day!

Of course, it's not over yet. It continues until the last celebration ceases...which will be Nov 14, when I leave DC and Georgette. That might be my longest birthday yet.

**Ok, technically it began at 12:01 Sunday night as I watched Strictly Ballroom. I'm embarrassed to say that I might want to see that new cheezefest Shall We Dance just for the high camp dance contests...

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