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2004-10-06 | 3:27 p.m.
12 hours instead of 42 of non-stop volunteering? Much better.
Aww, Mad Mad...that's a birthday present! Now, lest this turn into a back-and-forth link session: y'all just need to read her daily, and get a Philly/Rockford girl's take on the OC. Seriously. And then I won't have to come here every day and tell you to go over there. Bonus--she updates waaaay more frequently than I do. Trust me on this one.


Random observations.
1. I need a new living situation.
2. I need a new ergonomic workstation.
3. I need a new writing method.
4. I need a huge salary if I'm going to afford to move.

It's all about me, obviously. And my financial woes. Woe is me.

I'll be throwing my pity party later--$20 at the door, checks payable to the MM Life Improvement Fund.


I spent all Saturday at the Scallion, which you may remember from last year. This year it was just the Scallion, as they're revamping the Wild Onion for 2005. 100 teams of three started at 10a, and we were sweeping them up across the South Side at 7p. Between 8:30a, I drove appx 90 billion miles around parts of Chicago I've never been (hello, Humbolt Park, Washington Park, La Rabida) and have spent more time on the Drive than I have in the past year. I was a chauffeur of sorts, and found it a lot of fun. It was 50ish outside all day, full sun but a cold breeze. We all had multiple layers of fleece, making us a fuzzy band of brightly-colored sheep. Chipotle was the food sponsor again, and I surprised myself by inhaling an entire burrito without thinking. A whole burrito! We were flagging near the end, and by 7:30 my last pickups wanted nothing more than pizza and bed. We had our after-race party at Joe's, where a whole bunch of incredibly healthy and health-conscious people had to walk thru the smoky haze to get to the food and fun. We all applauded for ourselves and others (we're a self-congratulatory group, but in a selfless way) and ate more pizza than Joe's expected. I headed home at 8:30, falling onto the couch and asleep by 9:45. I slept in, delicious in the knowledge that I could sleep until 8:30a. Hosted a potluck at church, headed to Cin's for high tea with the family (to celebrate Dad's and my birthday) and then back to the city. I was lucky since I was able to borrow a car, meaning I was master/mistress of my own destiny (and travel route). Woo to the hoo. That's a birthday present in my book.

So, volunteering is done until the Humanities Festival. If you're in Chicago Oct 30-Nov 14, you really should check it out. And this year, I'm not dealing witht the Children's Festival...however, I have been assigned 8 high school students as my volunteers. Fear not--you'll know how it all works out.

In excruciating detail, no less.

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