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2004-11-05 | 3:19 p.m.
The beginning of a beautiful friendship...I hope.
So, my first attempts with Auntie Mame, my new partner in crime. Mame is a sassy gal, with lots of attitude and strong will. Unfortunately, she also has a few issues with doing what she's supposed to--namely being a good little lightweight laptop replacement. (Or at least it seems that way) I'm being dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century, 2 years behind everyone else. I had to learn HTML code for this site, which I grudgingly did..but I'm a better person for it. But now...I have to finally learn my USBs from my SDs and how to access WiFi around the city. I'm about to become the ubiquitous coffeehouse patron, slowly sipping my cocoa and catching up on my email on the weekends. Lord help me...I'll never escape the world now. But I'm glad I can do this--I think that it's going to help my writing to be able to write at will instead of at work, when I'm not inspired. At home, I get smart after percolating on the el for 30 minutes. But it's all gone by the time I get back to work and write it down. And yes, I *could* hand-write the sucker. But I start editing my handwriting (nothing more annoying than lines crossed out on the page) and the spontaneity of my observations is lost. So, I've got this new toy and I'm testing it out. It doesn't travel well yet, I need a way to protect the on/off key. It's to easy to hit it and then run the battery down, so I'm embarking on a way to make it stop.
But yay, Auntie Mame!
In other news, the dreaded hacking lung has returned. I don't know what triggers it, I just know that it appears and lingers with the vengeance of an ice age. I've had the tickle in the back of my throat, and then this afternoon, I just wanted to clear my throat. And that was it...the hacking seal bark is here. Hopefully, it'll disappear before I get onto a plane next week, because that will make me *that woman* who's coughing gate to gate. I'm off to DC, and I can't wait to see Tia and Georgette. It's going to be a great trip, and we're celebrating Diwali on Friday--who doesn't love the Festival of Lights? My tummy will be happily full if gulab jamen.
Last but not least: Count 'em. Less than 10 days until Doofus moves out. Woo! Woo! Woo!!!!!!!!!!!

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