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2004-11-16 | 4:21 p.m.
I'd rather be dealing with HIPPA, frankly.
I currently have the "Illinois Power of Attorney Act Official Statutory Form" for Health Care staring me in the face. My doctor asked me to fill it out so she'd have it for her records, which is a valid request, but the questions it brings up are soul-searching and potentially earth-shattering.

Whom do I want to have the final say in my personal well-being if I am incapable of making my own decisions? Who should shoulder that burden?

I'm young and single, and I would hope that I have no need of this document for years and years and years...if ever. But as it stands, I still need somebody to decide when to pull the plug, as it were. So who would make the best agent for me? My momma, who carried me in her body and her arms, keeping me from harm? My dad, a nurturing and caring defender who would die before he let his family come to harm? My sister, a woman who I teased mercilessly growing up yet who has become my best friend and staunch supporter? A best friend who is like a sibling and who knows me purely as an adult? A virtual stranger, someone who could see the situation thru clear and remote eyes yet hasn't known me as long? Someone of faith? Someone of science? Someone who knows my wishes? Hell, I don't even know my wishes.

In re-reading this document in attempts to digest all that it implies, the section on "withholding or removal of life-sustaining treatment" might cause me the most alarm. I'm not sure, but I either have the option to pick one of three 'statements' or none at all, leaving this up to my agent. The three main ideas are:

--Don't prolong my life if my agent belives the burdens of the treatment outweigh the expected benefits
--Prolong my life unless I am in an irreversible coma, at which point I want to discontinue life-sustaining treatment
--Prolong my life to the gretest extent possible without regard to my condition, recovery chances, or cost

Good God. Imagine your best friend in this situation--incapacitated in the hospital, with you as agent. Would you want to have to fulfill this request?! It might be checked off on the list, but it still has to be carried out by the agent.

Selfishly, I want to live as much of my life as humanly possible...
and I guess my answer is right there.

I want to live, but once I hit that hospital and am hooked up to drips and salines and whatnot, that's it. Give me dignity, but give me release...I'm not meant to live like that. Just unhook me, give me pain-numbing drugs, and take me to the country. Let me live my last few days where the sky never ends and the land whispers secrets to the trees and birds and anyone who listens.
I promise to listen.

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