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2005-03-21 | 4:34 p.m.
Can you get a badge for Maple Syrup Production?
What a weekend. Friday night, Sass was in town for our book group (The Time Traveler's Wife) that successfully discussed the book for a long time. We talked for 4 hours (not just about the book, are you insane?!) and then crashed since I haven't been sleeping well. Saturday morning began bright and warm, so J and I conned Sass into going with us to a Maple Sugar Fest at one of the Chicago Parks up north. It was awesome! We were distinctly out of place, as we had neither husband nor child along with us...but this meant that there was no waiting in line for our very own tree cookie or endless trips to the bathroom or the requisite bead/maple leaf necklace. Don't get me wrong, those are all nice things.

They're nice in a 'a few years down the road' sort of way, actually.

So after we appreciated all those trees giving up their sap for our pancake enjoyment--wait. Back up. These people name their trees (and really, who doesn't?) and when they talk about them in the sugaring context, it's pretty risque. "Grandma's really giving it up this year."
Um, what?!

So off to the fabric store, because I'm determined to make an apron rightnow, and we all buy something and rush home because the weather is rapidly turning evil. The sun started to hide, the wind came up, and the temp started to drop with a vengence. That's ok, because I was ready for a nap indoors. Too bad I couldn't fall asleep...but I did catch the end of the Gonzaga game (Gonzaaaaahhhhhhhhggaaaahhhhhhhhh (my favorite team name of all time)) and get mildly interested in the next game before I became annoyed with the commentary.

Not even two minutes into the game, I was yelling at the commentator to Shut. Up. Shutup! Shutup! *huff*

So yeah, not conducive to resting. Then I caught the History of Tango thingy on PBS, where fantastically-trim and fancy women with gumby legs were led by equally-gumby-legged men with oiled hair and slick suits. I really want to learn to's on my list of things to do. Luckily, Sandy Duncan was nowhere in sight. (I was worried since she does all the competitive ballroom dancing 'commentary' and she's a hideous addition to the spectacle.) Then, it was time to work on my apron. I can't tell you how pleased I am to have this apron. It was another non-patterned goodie, just guesswork and intuition, and it's quite nice! It's not going to win any prizes, but it's definately going to be worn with pride.

In fact, it was worn yesterday as I felt utterly insane and decided to make real cinnamon rolls for Oodie's birthday today. Thank heaven I had my apron, or I would have been *covered* in flour, and that ain't pretty. My cinnamon rolls came out too too deelish, my apron is done and quite fetching, and I got my Maple Sugaring badge.

I just regressed 15 years and had a weekend from my childhood, full of 4H and Girl Scout goodness. If I start talking about making jam, just lure me off the ledge with a Thin Mint*. I'll follow, I promise. I'm a sucker for those things.

*Or maybe an entire box. You never know.

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