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feeling:: Ready for some tea
reading:: The Ox-Bow Incident
movie du jour:: The Farm (tv)
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2005-05-11 | 4:44 p.m.
London Day 4: It's Tuesday already?!
Doing these all in a day or two is an interesting study in my writing style...I prefer writing in the present as it happens as opposed to past tense. Hmm.


I stayed up waaaaaay too late to watch The Farm, and am utterly annoyed when the alarm rings. I'm not jet-lagged in the least, but I still hate the damn alarm--and I'm sleeping in 45 extra minutes, to boot! Have some good interviews and wander off to find lunch. My tikka masala on a potato was good, at least the few mouthfuls I could get. I asked around and nobody here watches The Farm, so I'm on my own for the experience. I pull another long day, running technical interference back home between the boss and excel. It's nice to be missed, but... argh! At least they're minor issues. My work email's been off/on/off from Chicago, so I'm blissfully ignorant of the problems until the end of my day. It's nice to know that Mozilla and Outlook Express hate my mail server as much as I do...

Die, Octavia, die.

Right. I debate what to do--theater? Movie? Dance? Nah... There's a Richard IV production across the river, but it's 3 hours of dreary political Shakespeare, and I'm more in the mood for Companie Kafig. Since I saw them for free in Chicago at Columbia, I opt for self-entertainment and people-watching. So after I stopped at home for a book and some gloves, I head up to the Strand for some dinner. I hate to crap out and get some pizza, but yesterday's taste has me craving some. I cave in at Pizza Express, annoying the servers by sitting where I wanted by myself, and was about to walk out after being ignored for 15 minutes. Don't they know the international sign for 'I'm done with the menu, take my order so I can get on with it'?! Had some salad and lasagne (I couldn't justify a pizza that I'd pick half the toppings off of) and finished up with a pear tart. Oh, pear tart, how I love you...It was almondy goodness with an Earl Grey chaser. (Have I mentioned how happy I am to have tea served everywhere?)

Home to curiously watch The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy at 11:20, the original series on BBC. It ended up being the first half of the movie that's currently out, so it was fun to compare the two. A lot of people were panning the movie, saying that it's not in line with the original feel of the thing and that Douglas Adams would spin in his grave if he could see it. Since the first part's pretty similar to the original that I saw last night, I can't support their claims. (It was up thru the introduction of the robot.)

(Of course, I'm also somebody who railed long and hard and loud against Troy and Dune because they took too many liberties, so I won't be smacking 'em down.)

The Farm...oh, The Farm.

It's stunning.

And scary. That's about all I can coherently relate. If you don't see it, you can't imagine the insanity... but there are some good clips and whatnot on Five.

I can't have my nightly tea since they've cut back on my tea pod supply--I only get 2 every 24 hours. That's not right. in the beginning, I had 4 at all times, but now I think I'm being weaned off. It's not fair. I need my tea to go to sleep, and tea to wake up. MORE TEA, please.

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