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2004-06-24 | 10:56 a.m.
You thought high school was 'the best four years' of your life, didn't you? Time to move on, buster.
I just got my 10 year reunion invite in the mail. And why 10 years? Why not 15? Or 20? Or never? Well, technically it came about 2 weeks ago but I haven't had time to deal with it. What's there to deal with, you ask?

It started with the response card choices: "Yes, I can't wait to see everyone and reminisce about the good ol' days" "No, I can't make it. Try not to talk about me too much." Ok, first off, I can wait. I have been waiting--10 years and still counting. And those good ol' days? You thought high school was 'the best four years' of your life, didn't you? Time to move on, buster. Second, 'try not to talk about me too much'? Then why the hell did you send a questionnaire too?

Ugh. The questionnaire.

What have you been up to? Where have you been? (I can just see the implied smiley faces) What scandal can we all gossip about when you don't show up for your reunion with classmates that you really hated for 13 years and then finally escaped from?

Yeah. A reunion. And a questionnaire that I've been avoiding. I could just not fill it out, but there's that moment of 'well, look at all the things I've done while you've stayed in the same small town and got pregnant and married and bought a house (any order, you choose) and still think about those good ol' days in 93 when drinking Boone's and not getting caught was grounds for coolness' that just compels me to answer.

However, I have had to write a few drafts of answers, because many times I go off on tangents and have to regroup (much like MM entries, in fact) and so I'm going to let you see what the SHS Class of 94 will *not* be reading this July.

1. Where have you been for the last 10 years?
I spent four years in Bloomington-Normal for school and then moved to Chicago. I travel a lot, and have been to Europe, the Carribbean and Mexico numerous times in addition to the ridiculous amount of time I spend in other American cities. (I've been compiling the miles logged. Damn. American owes me like THREE free RTs to Asia by now. (And what's with all my friends moving, requiring me to visit? Stupid relocaters. They should've stayed here.(Not you, Georgette.)))

2. What have you been doing?
I worked for a variety of places during school breaks (Nestle being my favorite), and then worked full-time for a private company when I moved to Chicago. It wasn't that great (hello, first job taken in desperation), but I had a lot of freebies and learned all about the city...In fact, I really should persue that dream of becoming a concierge. I have all this knowledge and no outlet. I worked at the Chicago Board of Trade for 2 years and was there for the madness (and aftermath) of September 11. I ride my bike, I sail, I play sports, I review movies, I live and love and sometimes learn. I've seen weddings and births and divorce and funerals. I've been making and losing friends and creating a new family who isn't related by blood but we already forgot that fact. I've been going to films and theater and symphonies and Ravinia and the Grant Park Film Fest and the museums and dance concerts and anything that the city has to offer. I've been perfecting my double-chocolate stovetop pudding recipe. (Mini choc chips. Trust me.)

3. Where do you work?
Chicago. Trust me. Chicago pretty much answers all of your questions. What? More? I'm director of operations (what a title. I guess I should get some cards, hunh?) at a proprietary electronic trading firm on Michigan Avenue. It's a rockin' job and I work with some great people from around the world.

4. Family?
Still alive, thanks. Yours?
I think this is supposed to be where I tell all about little Jimmy and Suzie (oh, wait--McKenzie and Apple or Peach or some trendy name) and how I have a third on the way and I just left my husband after he was caught in a crazy sex club. Or at least cop to being engaged if not married. I mean, it's been 10 years! How can I *not* be married?! ::ahem::

5. Where did you move?
Wasn't this covered in questions 1 and/or 2? Um, Chicago. Still. Going on 6 years. If you want to be nit-picky, in order: Lincoln Park, Wrigleyville, Lakeview, Lakeview, Wrigleyville. Oh, you don't know where those are? Here's a hint; it's the north side, near Wrigley Field, and people live in apartments and don't all have 2 cars each. (Shocking, I know.)

6. When did you move there?
Again with the 'already covered this'. After college. College, brief summer home, Chicago. Finis.

7. Any other higlights to share with everyone?
Um, yes and no. Highlights to share or highlights to highlight because I've done 'em and you haven't? Because there really isn't anything that screams 'highlight! highlight!' like shaving my head after sailing across the international date line (random) or curing world hunger (noble), but it'd be fun to list them. I'm going to redefine them as accomplishments. For example: Streaked the quad in college, peformed in 2 experiemental theatrical works, spoke at graduation and listened to Ralph Nader repeat everydamnthing I just said, and went to Europe for two weeks. Moved to Chicago, made friends, learned that I really do like myself and the rest is just frosting (and have *you* learned that yet?), and started riding my bike in traffic that I never dreamed existed. I'm talking lakefront. I had LASIK surgery and now can do all those things I never could, just by having a laser reshape the surface of my eyeballs. I competitively sailed on Lake Michigan for 2 summers and had amazing adventures. I have 2 websites where I alternate between being snarky, sneaky, whiney and pathetic. (Oh, c'mon. You know it's true) II love my job, I love my life, and I love living in Chicago.

I want to know what happened to everyone, but in a purely passive way. Did the other misfits find their place? Did the bitchy supremicists get over themselves? Who went to college? Who finished college? Who went on to make a name for themselves? These are the questions I have, and I'd rather not actually have to interact with anyone to find out the answers. I'll be sending in my resposes, edited for brevity and snark, and I'll let you know what happens.

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