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movie du jour:: Finding Nemo
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2003-07-11 | 1:55 p.m.
Along with OotP, I brought a handle of rum to work.
Well, it's finished. I started on the train to work yesterday at 7a, and finished this morning at 10:26a; I have conquered the monsterous beast, all 870 pages of it.

I'm quite pleased. I have no 'best work ever?' judgement, but I enjoyed the ride.

And promptly lent it out so someone else can talk with me about it! (You can never have too many conversations about books. Never.) Speaking of, anybody read it? Thoughts? Use fancy commentary button.


Along with OotP, I brought a handle of rum to work. No, these events are not related.


I have to pass it on to another party-giver since it wasn't really used at the last one, which means I will now haul it to the movies and then to the rendezvous, amazed at the apparent ease with which one can transport appx 8 lbs of open booze.

Frightening, really.


Welcome back, fam! You didn't miss any *good* saved itself up for your return. See you soon.

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