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2003-09-16 | 2:54 p.m.
Smash 'em up--it's the DERBY!!
So I went home for the Fair, which you might remember as being something of an excitement for me. Luckily for you, you don't miss a thing because I was there to experience it on your behalf.

First up is the main event, the Demolition Derby. Unlike some misconceptions, there are no monster trucks jumping cars, nor explosions, nor fireworks. Instead, 11 cars (and I use that term loosely) enter, ram the hell out of each other, and the 2 cars that can still move at the end are considered victorious. After 6 heats, those 12 drivers face off in the final. No, they don't use the beat-up cars; they have a spare car along for the fun. Here, it's on the racetrack in front of the grandstand. They made it really muddy so the highest speed is pretty least in the beginning! It basically looks like small children playing with cars, only it's adults who are behind the wheel. Again, I use the term 'adult' loosely.

The only woman driver in the first two heats

Unfortunately, painting her car pink only antagonized the others, much like a red flag to a bull. It was over very quickly. But she was out there and did some damage, so she rocks.

The carnage, oh, the carnage

If you look carefully, you'll see that many a station wagon gave its life for this derby. The goal--kill the radiator. Obviously, this has happened with all that steam.

More carnage!

Check out the (reinforced) telephone pole that was a border on the left. Note where it is--a good 15 feet past where it should be. This was the third heat, and it was getting drier out there. Cars were getting traction, giving us some spectacular smashes...and the cars some amazing applications of physics.

But it wasn't all about the demolition derby. Oh, no.

Turbo Force

This baby, when you can actually see the fine print, states that it's 150' tall, whips you around at 70 mph, up to 3 Gs (can you do that at only 70 mph?), and costs a whopping 8 tickets. Luckily, MLB and I were wristbanded. My folks decided that they didn't need to go and watched us from below.

Why yes, that doesn't look so big in the picture. Remember that whole '150 feet of terror!' and 'tallest ride in Chicagoland'? I'm sorry, I could only think 'coooooooooooool'.

(for scale purposes)

There were other rides, like the Tilt-a-Whirl with my dad (the first ride I ever went on, and it will always be *the* daddy-daughter event as long as he can stand it), the ride that was the Tilt-a-Whirl in 3D (put the entire thing on a pendulum, so you're spinning around both horizontally and vertically--wheeeeeeeee!), the classic gondola, and the very large Ferris Wheel. While unable to partake in round one of the rides, after drugging himself thoroughly MLB could get on the Turbo Force (explain that?!) Instead of the rides, he recieved a comprehensive tour of the Fair in 45 minutes, compliments of my mom. If anybody could give a concise and quality tour, it's her!

There was food galore; BBQ chicken from Fay's (this year acorns were dropping on our heads in whimsical charm), lemon shake-ups from the Open Door (don't drink the other swill at the carts), Pronto Pups (these are the *real* corn dogs, accept no substitutes. trust me. I've done an exhaustive comparative study for 20 years), Buffalo Chips (frozen homemade ice cream sandwiches in baggies, which means it won't drip down your arm in 90+ heat), but I never made it to the others, since I really can't eat 5 days' worth of fair food in 8 hours. I had to sacrifice the fresh-cut french fries, real root beer float, tempura, roasted almonds, the rest of the lemon shake-ups (limited to one this year due to time and stomach constraints), and the Pizza Logs (hey, I don't name 'em, I just eat 'em).

You'll notice that there are none of the traditional 'fair foods' listed; I don't like elephant ears or funnel cakes or cotton candy or caramel apples or any of the other myriad foods based in oil and sugar. But I *did* have to skip the gator on a stick AGAIN this year, which annoyed me...I've been trying to get one for 3 years now and they're always 'not ready' when I'm walking past. How the hell can I try one of these 'tasty new treats' if I'm thwarted?

All in all, a good fair...50 weeks until next year! (And a note to those of you who whinged that they didn't get to go to the derby this year: get your act together a little earlier next year and you'll probably see it)

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